Monday Morning – Nutrition Therapist, Eve Lahijian M.S., R.D.
Healthy Habits for the Family
Join us for an informative talk by TEDx speaker
Eve Lahijani M.S. R.D.
February 27th 8:30 am
(right after morning assembly in Banooni Auditorium)
Eve has a Bachelors degree from UCLA and a Masters of Science in Nutritional Science from CSULA. She is a Registered Dietitian and has experience working in the fields of corporate wellness, eating disorders and higher education. She has a TEDx talk titled, “Trust Your Hunger”. Eve currently teaches nutrition, body image and other wellness classes at UCLA and has a private practice in West Los Angeles.
*Solicitors of items submitted to auction as of 2/26/17.
Please contact Julian Zolkin at for any errors or omissions.
Ablon Skin Institute
Aerial Warehouse
Alexander Gray
Asteme Math and Stem
AVA MD Photofacial
The Backhouse
Baltaire Restaurant
Barney’s Beanery
Beats by Dre
Bowlmor Lanes Santa Monica
Bebe PT
Bel Air Hotel-Wolfgang Puck
Big 5 Sporting Goods
BJs Westwood
Blo Brentwood
Blue Eyed Production
Bowlmore SM Bowling
Brentwood Square Salon
Broadway Gymnastics
B Rock Fit LLC
Burn 60
CA Pizza Kitchen
CBS Paramount Televsion
The Corrao Family
Cassia Restaurant
Catch LA Restaurant
Children’s Book World
City Dog
Comprehensive Health Integration
Coral Tree Cafe
CorePower Yoga
Crossroads Restaurant
Crystal Sky Enteratinment
Danceline LA
Danesh Dermatology and Laser Treatment
Dan the Man
Dan Tana’s Restaurant
Dave and Buster’s
Dick Clark Screening Room
Digijaks, LLC
Don Wyse
Drago Group
Dr. Davis B. Nguyen, M.D.
Dr. Kathleen Nuckles Orthodontics
DY Corporation
8 Count Dance Studio
Ellen Show
Enzo’s Pizza
Everly Tutoring
Feast from the East
Fitness by the Sea
Four Seasons BH
Fresh N’Lean Food Delivery Service
Fresh Brothers
Fundamental LA
Galileo Gamp
Gracias Madre
Gray Family
Halper Fine Art
Habit Footwear & Accessories
H. Group (Nice Guy)
IDG Group (Boa Restaurant)
India Hicks
India’s Oven
iPic Entertainment
Lil Locks
Iverbe Camp
Jag Gymnastics
Janet Fishman Organizing Service
Jaxx Toys
Jerry Sher Physical Therapy
John Thompson
Jon Voight
Karen’s Toys
Katie B. Photography
Kimpton Palomar
Marianne Liggett
The Lady and the Sailor
LA Dancefit
La Mirada Theatre
LA Online Group
LA School Scout
Lemonade Restaurant
Level Up Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Lil Locks
M&D Jewelry
Magic Castle
Market Women’s Clothing Store
My Gym SM
Nobu Malibu
OMG! Pet Grooming
Omni Los Angeles Hotel
Organize to Excel
Pacific Park Santa Monica Pier
Palomino Restaurant
Paper Source
Paramount Picture Studios
The Peninsula Beverly Hills
Penthouse Restaurant at The Huntley Hotel
Peet’s Coffee & Tea
Playlist Yoga
Potting Hill Landscape Design
Pumpkinheads Children’s Clothing Store
Pure Barre
Rocco’s Tavery
Rocket Fizz
Rock Sugar
Roclord Studio
Ruby’s Diner
Sarah Leonard Fine Jewelers
School of Martial Arts
The Shayestehfar Family
Skin x Five
Skin Thesis
Society Salon
Sonya Dakar
Soul Cycle
Sprinkles Cupcakes
Steve and Kate’s Camp
Studio Fitness 10
Susie Cakes
Sweet Rose Creamery
Studio Brows LA
Sunin Restaurant
Sylvan Learning Center
The Tarica Family
Tae Ryong Taekwondo School
Tocaloma Day Camp
Tom’s Toys
Torrey Drake Training
Trader Joe’s
Tumbleweed Camp
Tutoring Thyme
UCLA/Camp Bruin Kids
URJ 6 Points Sports Camp
United Talent Agency
Universal Studios Hollywood
Via One Hope Wine
Vicente Foods
Vicente Salon
Walkow Orthodontics
Westin Monache Mammoth
Westfield Package
West Restaurant at Angeleno Hotel
Westwood Orthodontics
Whole Foods
W Hotel Westwood
Writopia Creative Writing Lab
Zimmer Museum
*Donors of items donated as of 2/26/17.
Please contact Julian Zolkin at for any errors or omissions.
Courtyard Naming Opportunity
Pajama Day This Thursday
In honor of Dr. Seuss’ Birthday, Warner will be celebrating Read Across America by getting cozy with a book in our PJs. Please join us by coming to school on Thursday, March 2nd, in your pajamas with your favorite book.
Note that the school dress code applies so tennis shoes, and appropriate clothing is necessary.
Warner Avenue Party Book
Party People, it’s time to step up and sign up. Let’s raise $ for our school the fun way and make our Party Book as successful as it can be…
Warner Annual Fund – Tax Letters and Banner Deadline
Thank you to all the families that have contributed to the Annual Fund in support of our children’s education. For those families that contributed in the calendar year 2016, tax letters were sent home in your child’s back pack last week. If you contributed in the calendar year 2016 and did not get a letter, please email Karen Hamilton at
We are closing in on the deadline to have your name included on the 2016/2017 Thank You Banner that will hang for the next year in the courtyard. The deadline to be included on the banner is March 8th. You can make your contribution online at
Guess Who’s Turning 90?
Yearbooks on Sale and 5th Grade Memory Page Deadline 2/28
All 5th grade families must submit their 5th Grade Memory Pages by Tuesday, February 28th.
Are you a talented graphic designer who would love to put your passion to work for your child’s school? We need you! For jobs big and small, we can use as many volunteers as want to help out.
Week of 2/13: Drop Off Lane Volunteers for Room 5 Ms. Stults
Ramin Farzadmehr
Eric Taino
Rod Amiri
Andy Babb
Ramona Shamooilina
Bobby Khorshidi
Suzanne Hamiliton
Michelle Hornstein
Helsa Abrishami
Raha Akhavan
Hilla Nourmand
Sharona Tabibiazar
Shiva Danesh
Bita Alishai
Raj Kothari
Melanie Joshi
Allen Shamooilian
Week of 2/21: Drop Off Lane Volunteers for Room 2 Ms. Rucker
Nook Suphamongkhon
Dean O’Leary
April McDaniel
Nabiha Basathia
Shell Yang
Arezoo Nasiry
Craig Knight
Sharon Monempour
Rose Krieger
Mazi O’Leary
Dana Levertov
Sara Isaac
Beth Moore
Week of 2/27: Drop Off Lane Volunteers for Room 22 Ms. Chan
Alyssa Schreiber
Mark Zappaterreno
Nahid Berenji
Stefanie Schwartz
Hasti Daneshvar
Rima Khankan
Golriz Jafari
Lauren Polak
Reza Berenji
Ryan McManus
LAUSD School Board Election Information
March 7th, 2017 is the Local School Board Election for District 4.
This is for a 5 1/2 year term! Regardless of having children in Private Schools or Public Schools – GOOD Public Schools are GOOD for EVERYONE in the community so please vote!
Below is a link to the District 4 Candidates Forum (recorded live) held at Paul Revere on February 2, 2017.
The Warner playground is in need of some new storage equipment and playground equipment for the yard. Please look at the two sites below, US Games and Amazon, if you are interested in making a donation. US Games sells the storage we are seeking and Amazon sells the equipment. Thank you for your donations and contributions. Every donation is greatly appreciated!
(All purchases can be sent directly to the school, c/o Coach Diamond, for your convenience.)
Register Your Ralphs Card and Help Warner Earn Free Money
If you shop at Ralphs, we need you! Only 50 Warner Families have signed up so far. Ralphs will give a % of your purchases to the charity of your choice – like your child’s public school (hint, hint). All you need to do is register your card and pick Warner as your charity. The program requires re-registration each year from Sept 1 to Sept 1, so last year’s effort isn’t earning money for Warner now. And, if you haven’t done it, it’s still worth doing!
Click the link below for Ralph‘s instructions, and be sure to pick Warner Avenue Elementary as your charity.
We have earned $2000 this year but have the potential to earn MUCH more!
Add the Warner Avenue HOME PAGE to your phone and use it! Once you click the Amazon logo from the warner website, it will take you directly to your Amazon app or account. See pictures below on how to set this up.
Click through the Warner website EVERY time you shop on Amazon! Warner receives up to 10% for every dollar spent. You must go through the Amazon link on our website ( BEFORE you put anything in the cart.
It doesn’t cost you any more money to shop Amazon through Warner and doesn’t affect your Prime account. Your purchases are completely anonymous!
Come and tap into your inner-Picasso, as a volunteer at the Art/Free Zone tables, while enjoying the lovely children of Warner Avenue. Enjoy an afternoon playing board games, directing an art activity, or just simply creating through writing, art and conversation. Your role can be as simple as a supervisor, or as demanding as a facilitator of your own project.
For further instruction, or questions, please contact either Paula Lewis at or Sherry Lavian at We are happy to get you started with your first shift.
Please note, if you plan a project, it should take no longer than 10 minutes. The children are only at the tables for 15 mins max.
Please click on the link below to view the online sign up sheet for “Free Zone Grades 1-2”.
“Whole Foods Market has always been a strong supporter of local communities and we are happy to be supporting the Warner Avenue Elementary School’s Spring Auction Gala!
As a thank you for your ongoing support, we’re extending an awesome offer, valid everywhere in the store, from Produce, Whole Body and even Specialty! Just print or show the cashier this coupon to receive your discount”.
Thank You, Corporate Sponsors!
Please support our Corporate Sponsors! Let them know you’re from Warner and appreciate their support of our school:
Dr. Nadia Mishael – Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Neal Tobisman – Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy and Parent Counseling
Mike Cockinos – Coldwell Banker
David Yashar – Keller Williams Realty Westside
Warner Avenue Elementary is grateful to our many community sponsors who support our school. We encourage you to support these businesses in appreciation of their commitment to Warner.
Any parent or business interested in corporate sponsorship (advertising in the roster, banners at school corners, the Warner newsletter) please visit our Corporate Sponsorship page
for more information. It’s a tax-deductible contribution to Warner AND a great way to advertise your business to all the parents and the entire neighborhood.
Shopping in Century City? Earn Money for Warner
Earning money for Warner is easy when you shop in Century City.
Please bring copies of your receipts into the office so Warner gets credit.
Lost And Found
The Lost and Found is located outside the kindergarten yard. Please check regularly for your children’s lost items. Lunch boxes will will thrown out at the end of the day each Friday. Unclaimed clothing will be donated the first Monday of each month.
Warner What’s Happening Newsletter Submissions:
All newsletter submissions must be approved and emailed to by 4:00 p.m. the Friday prior to the following week’s newsletter. As soon as I finish watching Gosford Park, I only have fourteen years of Best Picture nominees left to watch…
CLICK HERE to shop Amazon and earn free money for Warner. Click through the Amazon link at the bottom of our website.
Shop at OFFICE DEPOT and they’ll send Warner 5% of every purchase!! Simply mention WARNER School to the cashier if in stores or at the time of check out on line or punch in Warner’s NEW ID# 700-100-74. Thank you for supporting Warner!!
Box Tops
eBoxTops are worth 10 cents each, and they add up fast! Our school can use the money to buy whatever it needs! Here’s how:
There is potential for our school to earn thousands of dollars through these programs so PLEASE participate and sign up.
THANK YOU for supporting Warner!!
Please recycle your used ink cartridges. Drop them off in the containers by the Main Office. Look for more recycling drives coming to Warner this year!