The Warner Annual Fund is now at 51% participation. Which class will be the first to make it to 100% participation? Is it Ms. Chan’sclass, which is currently at 78%? Or Ms. Kaczarowski’s, which is currently at 76%?
If you have not yet made your donation, help your class out and do so online today at If you can’t give the suggested amount, give what you can. Every dollar matters. We need to increase our participation, both in terms of class participation and dollars
contributed. We need widespread support to ensure we can continue to provide the high-caliber education we want for our kids.
Don’t procrastinate! Your contribution will be missed! WAVE provides programs, services, supplies, and more for every single student at Warner, and your children are benefiting from WAVE funded programs daily. They have the assistance of in-class aides, they are attending art classes, science labs, computer lab, preparing for the amazing Spring Sing, and receiving playground coaching. All of this has been fully or largely funded by WAVE–NOT by LAUSD, and NOT by the state or the federal government.
She will be speaking on how parents can teach children about personal safety without fear.
Come prepared to learn invaluable safety information!!
Many thanks To Chris King, Spago, and none other than WOLFGANG PUCK for their support of Warner in hosting a very special party book – PRIVATE DINNER AT SPAGO!
Warner Party People!
Don’t miss your chance to hang with Warner parents at these upcoming party book events!
Monday January 27th – CPR, HEART ATTACK, AND STROKE – Never too late to learn safety techniques! Come and learn key elements of CPR and get some key knowledge about heart attacks and strokes from a UCLA physician.
Wednesday January 29th – BOOTCAMP WITH HEALTHY ORLY– Join in a fun and challenging bootcamp workout with Healthy Orly followed by refreshments and lunch with your fellow Warner parents.
Tuesday February 4th – BAUBLES & BUBBLES BRUNCH – Mingle with friends from Warner, while enjoying a delicious catered lunch, mimosas and an amazing array of jewelry for everyone – bracelets, necklaces, earrings, unique pieces – you’re bound to find something you love! Throughout the brunch, you can shop unique pieces of jewelry for sale at wholesale prices. Tickets are limited and this party is not to be missed!
Wednesday February 19th – SPRING CLEANING & ORGANIZATION– Spring cleaning and organization seminar on organizing your home with rose and light bites. This includes a 1 on 1 consultation with a professional organizer during the event.
Saturday March 7th – 5TH GRADE GRAB-N-GO BREAKFAST– Surprise Pajama Breakfast! 5th graders get ready for a fun surprise pajama breakfast together! We will come and “grab” your 5th graders bright and early hopefully surprising them in their PJs to take them out for a yummy breakfast. This is a ton of fun as the kids wake each other up as we journey from house to house and then all eat together in pajamas at Denny’s in Westwood. Pick up will happen between 7:30 – 8:00am. Breakfast will be over at 9:30am and parents should plan on picking up their children at Denny’s by 9:30am.
Saturday March 7th – CHEF SKILLS 101 – Cooking class for adults only with Eric Taino (great home chef) at his home in Studio City. He will show you how to perfectly make an appetizer, entree and dessert. Dinner and drinks included
Go to www.warnerpartybook.comto sign up for these amazing parties and check out the other upcoming events!
How would you like to advertise your business to our community AND support our great school at the same time?
Through our “Friends of Warner” program, there are NEW sponsorship opportunities that will give you tons of exposure not just to the Warner parents, but to our entire neighborhood.
Exciting news! Warner is now using the Membership Toolkit Parent Portal, for our family and faculty directories, and email communication! It is SECURE, easy to use, and free to families and faculty. Easily stay connected to other Warner families via your smartphone and Web.
BrainPop covers topics within Science, Math, Social Studies, English Language Arts, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Music, Health, Reading, and Writing. The content is carefully mapped to the Common Core, aligned to academic standards, and searchable with the online Standards Tool.
Hundreds of topics are all brought to life through short, animated movies and related interactive quizzes, timelines, charts, writing/vocabulary activities, graphic organizers, and much more.
We have access to two programs-BrainPop (upper grades) and BrainPop Jr. (lower grades). Each has its own website:
The Lost and Found is located outside the kindergarten yard. Please check regularly for your children’s lost items. Lunch boxes will will thrown out at the end of the day each Friday. Unclaimed clothing will be donated the third Tuesday of each month.
Warner What’s Happening Newsletter Submissions:
All newsletter submissions must be approved and emailed to by 4:00 p.m. the Friday prior to the following week’s newsletter. Who else looks ahead at the calendar looking for all future school holidays?