The next WAVE meeting will be on Monday, November 5th after morning assembly in Mitchell Auditorium.
See you there!
Spring Gala – March 9th, 2019
Hello Warner Families,
The time is NOW – don’t miss out on this amazing night! Ticket prices increase on March 5th, so get your tickets today to secure your spot at the 2019 Warner Royale Spring Gala!
This year’s event is a James Bond 007 theme, and will be held on March 9, 2019 at the Jeremy Hotel in West Hollywood. Cocktail hour with silent auction and open bar will start at 6:00 pm, followed by an incredible live auction and a seated dinner. ‘007’ attire is encouraged, but cocktail attire is always fabulous as well!
Wildcat Sponsors
Wildcat Sponsors receive 2 tickets to the Gala with their sponsorship. Wildcat Sponsors must still go to the Auction website at or via the Spring Gala page on to purchase tickets using the wildcat sponsor code that was emailed to you. *Wildcat sponsor tickets are nontransferable, and may only be used by the Wildcat Sponsor him/herself. Please contact Emily Klaparda if you need the code resent to you!
Become a Spring Gala Event Sponsor
There are a variety of tax-deductible sponsorship opportunities available for you, your class, or your business to help sponsor this memorable event.
Please join us in the Mitchell Auditorium on Tuesday, March 19 at 8:30am to listen to a discussion about the addiction issues that can arise for kids from Fortnite and other games with Alan Silberg, a cyber security expert, and Sharon Bina, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who specializes in child and family therapy. This discussion will be free of charge.
Patience is waiting without getting upset. It helps us deal with things that may feel uncomfortable (e.g. waiting in a long line or saving our money to buy something we really want). Patience can help us build our good character:
* Waiting my turn (consideration/respect)
* Not complainingwhen I don’t get my way (understanding/less stress)
* Accepting what cannot be changed (compassion)
* Maintaining self-control (confidence)
* Keep trying (persistence/commitment)
A Note from the School’s Office
The school’s office staff is requesting small children clothing for grades TK and kindergarten, sizes 5 and up. They are requesting leggings, shorts, and underwear for boys and girls.
A big thanks in advance!
Warner Parent Portal – Register Now!
Exciting news! Warner is now using the MySchoolAnywhere Parent Portal, for our family and faculty directories, volunteer village signups, and email communication! It is SECURE, easy to use, and free to families and faculty. Login/register now!
BrainPop covers topics within Science, Math, Social Studies, English Language Arts, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Music, Health, Reading, and Writing. The content is carefully mapped to the Common Core, aligned to academic standards, and searchable with the online Standards Tool.
Hundreds of topics are all brought to life through short, animated movies and related interactive quizzes, timelines, charts, writing/vocabulary activities, graphic organizers, and much more.
We have access to two programs-BrainPop (upper grades) and BrainPop Jr. (lower grades). Each has its own website:
The Lost and Found is located outside the kindergarten yard. Please check regularly for your children’s lost items. Lunch boxes will will thrown out at the end of the day each Friday. Unclaimed clothing will be donated the third Tuesday of each month.
Warner What’s Happening Newsletter Submissions:
All newsletter submissions must be approved and emailed to by 4:00 p.m. the Friday prior to the following week’s newsletter. #4 Frustrating Thing to Hear from Your Child When You Pull Up to School: Huh…I forgot my other shoe at home.
Please recycle your used ink cartridges. Drop them off in the containers by the Main Office. Look for more recycling drives coming to Warner this year!