The next WAVE meeting will be THIS Monday, October 7th at 8:30am. The meeting will be in the Mitchell Auditorium. See you there!
Warner Party Book site is going LIVE!
Monday, October 7th
8:30 am
Want a sneak peek? On Sunday, October 6th at 6:00 pm
the Party Book site will be open for previewing only. Check out all of the great parties in advance, so you’re ready to purchase tickets to your favorites when the site goes live on Monday morning.
The Warner Halloween Haunt is a parent-run community celebration held on Sunday, October 27, 2019, from 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m and is one of Warner’s biggest fundraisers! The 2019 Haunt includes new and exciting attractions such as all new carnival games, all new inflatables, all new sports zone, a petting zoo, arts & crafts, new food vendors, and more! Wristbands/tickets for all of the attractions ARE ON SALE NOW and can be purchased in advance or at the event! Please go to to learn everything you need to know about the 2019 Haunt!
Your 2019 Warner Halloween Haunt Team
Jen Rhonheimer, Negar Sefaradi, Emily Mulkey, Rosalin Azizi, Co-Chairs
Emily Klaparda & Nooshin Habibi, Co-Directors of Fundraising
Calling all BAKERS AND BUYERS! We are looking for sweet treats for the Haunt Bake Sale on Sunday, October 27th. Please sign up to bake/buy a dessert item we can sell at the Haunt. All proceeds go directly to our school so have fun and get creative!
We need cookies, bars, cake pops, breads, Rice Krispie treats and other Halloween-themed treats
**Please let us know or indicate with a label if your item contains nuts**
If baking is not your thing but you still want to contribute, please consider a monetary donation to the Bake Sale so that we can purchase additional items to sell! Please venmo your donations to Nooshin Habibi, Co-Director of Fundraising @Nooshin-Habibi and note “Haunt Bake Sale”.
The Halloween Haunt team is looking for 8 high-energy individuals who love Halloween to serve as “scare” actors inside our Haunted House at our annual Halloween Haunt. Actors must be at least 15 years of age and available on October 27th from 9am-4pm. Actors must arrive at 9am for makeup and training. The acting shift runs from 11am-4pm. Food and costume provided. This position qualifies for scholastic community service hours. Please contact Nooshin Habibi at
Don’t ghost the Annual Fund…Become a Wildcat Sponsor in Time for the Haunt!
Warner’s fabulous Halloween Haunt is quickly approaching, so please consider making your Annual Fund contribution today as a Wildcat Sponsor! As a Wildcat Sponsor, your family name will be displayed in the courtyard leading up to the Halloween Haunt, and you will receive an amazing Warner Haunt t-shirt and hat, as well as one Haunt admission wristband and tickets to use at the Haunt!
In addition, Wildcat Sponsors automatically become sponsors of the Spring Auction and Warner Walk. Your name will appear in the courtyard before those events, and you will receive admission for two to the Spring Auction plus a t-shirt and other fun swag for the Warner Walk!
Schoolwide, we are at only 22% participation in the Annual Fund, so please contribute today. As you know, monies raised in the Annual Fund go directly to support your child(ren) and pay for, among other things, teaching assistants in every classroom, class size reduction teachers, and the science, art, and music programs at Warner.
The Annual Fund suggested donation amounts are:
TK/Kindergarten:$2,600 per child
Grades 1 – 4: $1,850 per child
Grade 5:$1,100 per child
And to contribute at the Wildcat Sponsor level, please add $850 per child to the suggested amounts above for a total donation of:
TK/Kindergarten:$3,450 per child
Grades 1 – 4:$2,700 per child
Grade 5:$1,950 per child
Donations to the Annual Fund are tax deductible and may be paid in full or in 3- or 6-month installments, and by either check or credit card.
Did you already contribute and now want to become a Wildcat Sponsor? It’s not too late; email Negeen Ben-Cohen at for details.
Click on the AMAZON link through the Warner Website and up to 10% of every dollar you spend will go back to our school!
Q. Does it affect my prime account? NO
Q. Does it cost more? NO
Q. Can we raise $10,000 by doing this? YES
Q. Do I need to delete my amazon app first? We strongly urge you to because otherwise Warner won’t get paid on those purchases.
Follow these easy steps shown below to set this up on your iPhone.
Once it’s set up, make sure you click on the Warner icon (as shown in picture 4) EVERY time you shop on AMAZON and that your cart is empty before you start.
Happy Shopping!! 🙂
Show your school spirit with an official Warner T-shirt!
For sale after school in the courtyard on the last Friday of every month.
How would you like to advertise your business to our community AND support our great school at the same time?
Through our “Friends of Warner” program, there are NEW sponsorship opportunities that will give you tons of exposure not just to the Warner parents, but to our entire neighborhood.
Exciting news! Warner is now using the Membership Toolkit Parent Portal, for our family and faculty directories, and email communication! It is SECURE, easy to use, and free to families and faculty. Easily stay connected to other Warner families via your smartphone and Web.
Come purchase your very own challah bread to enjoy over the weekend! Varieties include Pretzel, Belgian chocolate chunk, Kalamata olive and Rosemary, and Whole Wheat Pretzel.
Challah sales every Friday after school next to Ice Cream Fridays
in the Khorshidi family courtyard.
Prices range from $7-$10.
Kids with Character
Word of the month: Fairness
Fair means doing our best to give people what they need to be successful. What you need and what someone else needs may be very different. We should always try to be fair but this means things won’t always feel equal. Knowing what is fair or unfair is important in helping people get along with each other.
Fairness is being open to other’s ideas, playing by the rules, sharing, acknowledging our mistakes, telling the truth and treating others the way we want to be treated.
Pop! Goes Your Brain!
You and your kids have access to
BrainPOP at home!
We’re happy to inform you that BrainPOP is now available for home/mobile use for all Warner families.
BrainPop covers topics within Science, Math, Social Studies, English Language Arts, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Music, Health, Reading, and Writing. The content is carefully mapped to the Common Core, aligned to academic standards, and searchable with the online Standards Tool.
Hundreds of topics are all brought to life through short, animated movies and related interactive quizzes, timelines, charts, writing/vocabulary activities, graphic organizers, and much more.
We have access to two programs-BrainPop (upper grades) and BrainPop Jr. (lower grades). Each has its own website:
This Wednesday, October 9th come join us for a special POP-UP SPY DAY! CAMP at the STAR EcoStation! (For campers 1st through 5th grade.)
Not close to the EcoStation? Come to one of our other locations: Fairburn Elementary, Canfield Elementary, Westchester Park, or Riverside Elementary! Click the buttons below for more information or to get enrolled.
The Lost and Found is located outside the kindergarten yard. Please check regularly for your children’s lost items. Lunch boxes will will thrown out at the end of the day each Friday. Unclaimed clothing will be donated the third Tuesday of each month.
Warner What’s Happening Newsletter Submissions:
All newsletter submissions must be approved and emailed to by 4:00 p.m. the Friday prior to the following week’s newsletter. This week’s parenting snafu: Dressing your child up and fixing his hair for picture day on the WRONG day, then realizing it, so I made him change back in to his “regular” clothes before leaving. To top it off, we were late and had to get a slip before going to class. Let’s just say he was not a happy camper.